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Monday 20 April 2015

Reel Speed Selection For Dyeing Machine

Reel Speed Selection For Dyeing Machine

Given that,

Fabric GSM=160
Fabric Dia/Width:60”/(60/39.37=1.524m)
Batch Quantity / Total fabric weight:200Kg
Fabric Length=?

1m length ,1.524m width fabric Dimension=1m X 1.524m=1.524 m2
G.S.M/1m2 fabric weight =160
So,1.524m2 (L=1m, W=1.524m) fabric weight =160 X 1.524 = 243.84 gm

Again Now,

If fabric weight 243.84 gm fabric length well be 1 m
If fabric weight 1 gm fabric length well be 1/243.84 = 0.0041 m
If fabric weight (200 X 1000)=200000 gm fabric length well be 820 m
Dyeing Cycle time must be 2.5/3 Min.

Reel speed will be fabric length / Dyeing Cycle time

Reel speed will be 820 / 2.5 = 328 RPM(Revolutions per minute)

Max Reel speed Dilmenler : 300 RPM, Then : 400 RPM

Formula for fabric length      : Dia or Fab. Width  X  GSM  X  39.37 / 1549 /1000 =  Z
                                                 Fab length= Fab Weight / Z
                                                 Fab Length = 200 / 0.243 = 823 m



  1. This formula is very helpfull but am not clear

  2. If cycle time is 2 then dye quality will improve or not? For 210 finished gsm and 86 open diameter fabric what is the cycle time?

  3. what is the effect of loading percentage on Cycle Time?

  4. We finally understood that the formula of "Reel speed RPM=(Fabric length(meter)/Cycle time)..
