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Wednesday 11 February 2015

Quality/Style _Fibre Input (Datacolor)


    1.      Go to start menu than click on datacolor match

    2.      Than click Fibre and than double click.
    Name:(Cotton/Polyester/Nylon ETC) By browsing or Input.
    ID:(Same as name)

    3.      Than click on Fibre Group.
    Name:(Cotton/Polyester/Nylon ETC) By browsing or Input.
    ID:(Same as name)
    Select fibre from available fibre
    Than click on insert.

   4.      Than click Affinity
   Name:100%(Cotton/Polyester/Nylon ETC)
   ID:(Same as name)
   Fibre group: Select by browsing.

   Fibre name and fibre part will be fill by annually .Such as: Cotton,100.00 Than click save.

5.Than click on Quality/Style
   Name:(Cotton/Polyester/Nylon ETC)
  By browsing or Input.
  The name will be show in next stapes.
   ID:(Same as name)
  Affinity: Select only by browsing.
  Process type (box):Mark Exhaust.
  Than click save/insert.
  Than click Substrate blank dyeing.
  Than click New
  Write the name (Auto fill) and click Ok.
  Than Select fibre below
  Than click on Measure.
  Than insert the sample and click Measure.
  Click on Measure 4 times . Every measure the row and picture will be move.
  After the 4th measurement the Dev will be 0.0012 something.
  And click Accept/Accept now.

6.      Special composition :
         Used for altering the parts of a composed quality.
       Example: In a composition of polyester, cotton and Lycra, the Lycra cannot be dyed. If you do             not set the Lycra part to0%, a recipe is also calculated for the Lycra part.

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