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Thursday 22 January 2015

Soda ash (Na2CO3) Strength test

Soda ash (Na2CO3) Strength test

Make necessary solutions:

v  Hydro-chloric acid solution :

8.33 ml (12N LAB) HCL + Rest of the amount water in 100 ml volume metric flax to make 100 ml 1 N HCL solution.

v  Soda ash solution :

100 ml Water + 1 gm Soda ash (That will be tested by lab) in conical flax.

Test process:

1.      Na2CO3 Solution keep in a conical flax and placed just below the borate.
2.      Than phenolphthalein indicator will be added in soda ash solution and solution become pink color.
3.      Borate will be filling by 1 N HCL.
4.      Than titration will be start.
5.      When the pink color will vanish than the titration will be start. Read the borate reading. (21 ml)

Formula :

Example :

                                                                             =111.3 (Strength)

N.B:- Below 85 strength is not allow.
                     The strength of Soda ash is good.

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