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Thursday 22 January 2015

Hydrozoan Per Oxide (H2O2) Test

Hydrozoan Per Oxide (H2O2) Test
Make necessary solutions :
v  Potassium per manganite solution :

Process :

1.58 gm Potassium permanganate (KMnO4) + 0.5 Litter Water (H2O) for make 0.1 Normal solution
In 0.5 Litter volume metric flax. ( 3.16 KMnO4 for 1 Litter H2O)

This solution will be lasting 6 months but It will be covered by a black fabric/paper.

v  Sulfuric acid solution :
Process :
It will be make 10% H2SO4 Solution.
Such as : 25 ml H2SO4 + 225 ml H2O
               50 ml H2SO4 + 450 ml H2O

v  Per-Oxide solution :
Process :
1.25 gm (Liquid) H2O2 + 250 ml H2O (5 gm/litter)
(Total volume will be 250 ml so water will less than 250 ml )
The solution will make in 250 ml volume metric flax.

Stapes :
1.      1.25 gm H2O2  will be taken by electric balance .
2.      Than it will be transfer in 250 ml V.F

3.      Than water will taken in flax border line so total volume will 250 ml

Test process :
1.     H2O2 Solution 25 ml + H2SO4 Solution 25 ml in a konical flax. (0.125 gm H2Oin total solution)
2.     Burette will be fill by KMnO4 Solution .
3.     KMnO4 Solution will added in (H2O2+ H2SO4 ) solution by drop and drop and flax will shak.
4.     After change the (H2O2+ H2SO4 ) solution color (Slid pink) Burette will be stop.
5.     And burette reading will be count. Example . 28 ml


Formula :

                                                               = 51.68 %

But 0.1 Normal solution’s actual Normality 0.095 N
So correct purity is

 = 49.096 %

NB:-Wight of sample  = (25 ml* 5 gm) / 1000 ml                                                         
                                     = 0.125 gm
          Meqt. Of H2O2   = 34 amu / 2000
                                    = 0.017

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