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Thursday 5 February 2015

Spectrum (Datacolor) Installation and upgrade Guide

Spectrum (Datacolor)

Introduce :
Datacolor  MATCH  is a powerful quality control system that defines the standard for
color control software.

System Requirements :

Pentium III 450MHz processor required
128MB minimum
128 MB is recommended for Win XP, and for
generally increased performance
Hard Disk
6.4 GB hard disk, minimum of 500 MB free disk space.
1 GB free of free disk space is recommended
to install Datacolor TOOLS and use it effectively.
CD ROM drive

Video Monitor/
4 MB, high-resolution graphics card. Color
patch displays require 800x600 (small font) or
Windows supported printers: Ink Jet, Laser
Printers. Dot matrix printers are not supported.
Required. Accelerator keys can be defined to
perform some QC functions.

Windows 2000 Professional, WIN XP Pro.
Networks that are 100% windows compatible.
Datacolor TOOLS operates on networks
compatible with the Microsoft Windows
operating systems by using the application layer
of the network operating system.

Driver Installation :

    1.      Place the USB Drivers and Documentation CD into the CD-Rom drive.

    2.     Connect the USB cable to both the instrument and the computer. The window
below will automatically display:

3. The New Hardware Wizard window displays.

    4.      After complete the installation press Finish button.

Viewing/Changing System Port Assignment:

Some Datacolor programs automatically configure the USB port assignment. Others
require that you manually assign the port number.
How to change:
1.      Go to start mane, setting> control panel .
2.      double-click on System
Than the screen will come(My computer properties)

3.Click the Hardware Tab. The dialog box below displays

4.      Click the Device Manager button. The Device Manager window displays.

5.       Go to the Ports heading. Click on the plus (+) to display the port selections.
    6.       Click USB Serial Port. The USB Serial Port (COM3) Properties.
    7.       Click Port Settings.
    8.      Click the Advanced button.
    9.      Click on the port assignment to be used for the USB port.
   10.      Select the port and when you have completed the changes, click OK.

Datacolor Match textile V1.2 Installation and upgrade Guide

      You must have Administrator Rights to install this software and you must have installed Sybase first!

To install your software, do the following:
    1.      Start Windows.
    2 .      Place the product CD into the CD drive.
    3.      The main installation menu should appear automatically.

 Ø  If you do not see the menu window, do the following:
Click the Start button From the start menu, choose Run…
in the Run dialog box, type D: MENU and click OK. (If your CD Drive is a letter other than D, use that letter in the
dialog box.)

     1.      When the Main Installation Menu is displayed, choose “Install Datacolor Match Textile 1.2.”

     2.      Select a language from the list box.

  Ø  The next dialogs only appear if pre Spectrum software is already installed on the system. If it’s a new
      installation the Setup proceeds with the Welcome dialog.

  Ø  When you upgrade from DCIMatch1.x to Datacolor MATCH TEXTILE v1.2, the Setup uninstalls 
             the    old software before the new Software is installed

  Ø  The Setup asks you twice if you have made a backup of your databases. If not, click ‘No’ to exit 
            the   setup.

   Ø  Depending on the installed software you are informed about the un-installation process. The Setup  
\               program shows a message for each program that should be installed.

                               I.            Uninstalling DCIMatch
                            II.            Uninstalling CenterSideQC (if installed)
                         III.            Uninstalling Fibramix (if installed)
                         IV.            Uninstalling SmartSort (if installed)

            3.      The setup continues with the Welcome dialog.

N.B:- If you are installing Datacolor MATCH TEXTILE for the first time, click “Next” to access the Datacolor Software License Agreement dialog. You must select the acceptance radio button in order to install Datacolor MATCH TEXTILE. If you are upgrading an existing, licensed copy of Datacolor Match, this screen will not appear.

      4.      Select the acceptance radio button and click the “Next” button to proceed.

5. Than click on finish.

Database update

     1.      If this Windows Security Alert appears, click the ‘Unblock’ button.

      2.      Followed by a database update.

Ø  If you get an error message ‘Unable to open log file’ click the OK button to execute the database update.The error has no negative effect. Click the ‘Finish’ button at the end of the database update.

  Ø  Followed by installing the Acrobat Reader

        3.      Finally, the “Complete” screen display.

        4.      Click “Finish

Upgrading DCIMatch 1.x or Datacolor Match TEXTILE 1.0

N.B:- You must upgrade the workstations with Sybase 9 before installing the application software.

Systems running still with Sybase 6.x (DCIMatch 1.0) cannot be upgraded. The Setup program exits in that case. Please contact Datacolor.

Existing Software
Sybase version
DCIMatch 1.0

Sybase 6.x
No direct upgrading possible.
Please contact Datacolor
DCIMatch 1.1
Sybase 7.x
Direct upgrade possible
DCIMatch 1.2
Sybase 7.x
Direct upgrade possible
DCIMatch 1.3x
Sybase 7.x
Direct upgrade possible
DCIMatch 1.4,
SmartSort 1.x,
CenterSideQC 1.x,
Fibramix 1.x
matchExpress 1,x

Sybase 7.x

Direct upgrade possible

Datacolor MATCH

Sybase 7.x
Direct upgrade possible

To be able to install Sybase 9 it is absolutely necessary that all Datacolor database scripts are
executed with Sybase 7.

Upgrade datacolor:
     1.      Make a backup of your databases
     2.      Run the Sybase CD Setup
                       a. Setup checks the Sybase version
                       b. Setup updates the database tables
                       c. Sybase 9 is installed
                       d. Install all Datacolor applications you have received
                           If it is a network system, upgrade all workstations.
    3.      On a Stand-alone system run the task Upgrade / Rebuild Database to recreate the database with the schema of Sybase 9.
a.       Make a Backup of the new database.

   Ø  NOTE: Old backups created before the upgrade to Datacolor MATCH TEXTILE 1.2 cannot be used.

    4.      For networked systems only:
Install the Sybase® 9 Server on a networked system with a database server. Don’t
forget to modify the executable of the Sybase database service, if the Server was
running with Sybase 7. This can be done with Sybase Central.

  ü  Select the server engine from C:\Program Files\Sybase\sql anywhere
  9\win32\dbsrv9.exe (default installation path).
        a.       Run the task Upgrade / Rebuild Database to recreate the database with the schema of Sybase 9.
        b.      Make a Backup of the new database.

Creating a Sybase Service

1. Start the Program Sybase Central from the Program Group Sybase SQL Anywhere 9

2.      If the program runs, click on the page Services and open the context menu New, Service… to create the database service. Follow the instructions of the setup program The next Screen is a Create a New Service screen – type a name for the service and proceed with “Next”.

3.      Name the service, e.g. DCMatchDCProcess and select how the service should be started. The next dialog of the installation wizard asks you to select the type for the Adaptive Server Anywhere service. Select Network Database Server to create the service and click “Next

 4.   Fill in the parameters for the new service now.

Parameter Settings in the example:
-c 128MB -c Cash size set to 128 MB
-ct- -ct- character translation
switched off
-n DCMatchDCProcess -n Service name
C:\database\dci_itm.db c:\database\printform.db All database to open
–x tcpip
N.B: -c Cash size set to 128 MB
            -ct- character translation switched off
           -n Service name All database to open
           -x tcpip Network proto

Switch and Description
-c size :
Set initial cache size.
The amount of memory available for use as a database server cache is one of
the key factors controlling performance. You can set the initial amount of cache
memory using the -c command-line option
The more cache memory that can be given the server, the better will be its
The units K and M can be either lower case or upper case. If K or M is not
supplied, any integer less than 10000 is assumed to be in kilobytes, and any
integer 10000 or greater is assumed to be in bytes. For example, -c 4096 means
4096KB or 4 194 304 bytes. Whereas, -c 200 000 means (an unreasonably
small) cache of 200 000 bytes.

-ct[- or +] :
Perform client-engine or server character translation
By default, character set translation is turned on. Character set translation
converts strings between character sets that represent the same characters, but
at different values. This is useful when the client machine and the database use
different character sets. Character set translation is disabled with the -ct- server
option. If this argument is supplied as -ct+, character set translation is turned on.
In version 7.x and earlier of Adaptive Server Anywhere, the + or - values are not
accepted: specifying the -ct option enabled character set translation.

-n name :
Use name as the name of the database server.

-x list :
Comma-separated list of communication links to try.

-ti minutes :
Client idle time before shutdown—default 240 minutes [network server].
Disconnect connections that have not submitted a request for minutes. The default is 240
(4 hours). A client machine in the middle of a database transaction holds locks until the
transaction is ended or the connection is terminated. The -ti option is provided to
disconnect inactive connections, freeing their locks.
The -ti option does not disconnect clients that use the shared memory communications
Setting the value to zero disables checking of inactive connections, so that no connections are disconnected.

-tl seconds :
Default liveness timeout for clients in seconds—default 120 seconds.

5.      Accept the default settings on the ‘Choose Account’ ‘and Choose Option’ dialog box.

Click Finish.

After completing the installation the screen will be come.

How to change an existing Sybase 7 service to run with Sybase 9

1.      Don’t forget to modify your Sybase database service that it uses the Sybase 9 server engine. This can be done with Sybase Central. Right click the Service and click on ‘Stop’ than Select ‘Properties’.

2.      Select ‘Properties’

3.      Select the server engine from C:\Program Files\Sybase\sql anywhere 9\win32\dbsrv9.exe (default installation path) and click on ‘OK’. Don’t forget the start the service again.

ODBC Data Source Administrator

1.      The Data Sources are configured automatically if Datacolor MATCH TEXTILE is installed as standalone system. If the Database is running on a server you must re-configure the Data Sources. Run the Control Panel and double click the icon Data Sources (ODBC); the ODBC Data Source Administrator dialog opens.

    2.     Three data sources are created as System DSNs during installation – dci_alab, dci_itm and printform.  
          These data sources are local to a computer, rather than dedicated to a user. The system, or any user having 
          privileges, can use a data source set up with a system DSN. Select dci_itm and click the button Configure

     3.     The Data source name must be dci_itm Microsoft applications and Delphi applications must be checked
Other settings are default There is no need to define a login.

4. Type in the service name you have created on the server during the Sybase Service definition e.g.  DCMatchDCProcess, and give the database name without extension you like to work with. For the data source printform it is the same service name but the database name is printform without  extension. For the data source dci_alab it is the same service name but the database name is dci_alab without extension.

5.   Normally the service starts for all protocols available. We advice to use the TCP/IP protocol.

 6. From the client side, the communications parameters are entered as the CommLinks communication parameter: CommLinks=tcpip(PARM1=value1;PARM2=value2;. . .),IPX If there are spaces in a parameter, the network communication parameters must be enclosed in quotation marks to be parsed properly by the system command interpreter: CommLinks="tcpip(PARM1=value 1;PARM2=value 2;...),IPX" e.g. HOST = PARAM1 , nt_dci_server is value1 (it is the name of the Server running the Sybase service)

Validating Datacolor Software

Datacolor Spectrum Software is protected from unauthorized use by a software license. When the software is initially installed, the software license is in a demo period that will allow access for a fixed amount of time. In order to run the software after the demo period, the software license must be validated. There are a number of ways to validate the software. In general you will need the following information:

1.You will need the Serial Number for your software. This number is supplied by Datacolor   and is found on the CD case.
2. You will need a Computer Validation Number. This number is generated by the security software and is unique to your computer.

Datacolor Tools will display the Validation Window every time it starts during the demo period. The Validation Window
can be accessed from “About” window in Datacolor Tools, select “License Info”.

You can validate the software in 3 ways:
• Using a Web Connection – Link is on the Validation Window. Example is shown below
•E-Mail – Send Serial Number and Computer Validation Number for the product to  SoftwareLicense@Datacolor.Com. You will receive an Unlock Response Number by e-mail that you will put into the Validation Window.

• Phone – In the US and Canada phone toll free 1-800-982-6496 or call you local sales office. You will need the Serial Number and the Computer Validation Number for the product. You will be given an Unlock Response Number that you will put into the Validation Window.

After you have entered the Unlock Response Number into the Validation Screen, your software is validated. You can validate additional programs by selecting the Validate Another option.

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