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Thursday 22 January 2015

Find out the original Normality of a Secondary standard substrates solution

Find out the original Normality of a Secondary standard substrates   solution

Primary standard substrates are Na2CO3(Lab grade), Oxalic Acid(Lab grade) etc.
Secondary standard substrates are HCl , NaOH etc.

We can find out the original normality of  Secondary standard substrates by compare with the  Primary standard substrates.
Process : Make 1 N Na2CO3 solution.(5.3 mg in 100 ml water in V.F)
                  Make 1 N HCl Solution.(3.65 mg in 100 ml water in V.F)

1.      Keep 10 ml Na2CO3 solution in conical flax.
2.      Than add P.I in conical flax.
3.      Borate will be fill by HCl solution.
4.      Than titration will be start.
5.      After complete the titration read the borate HCL solution volume. Exa : 11 ml.

Formula : S1V1=S2V2                       (Na2CO3 =HCl)
                   S2=10/11 = 0.90N     (The actual normality of HCl solution is 0.90N ).

Now we found out the actual normality of NaOH By Standard HCl 0.90 N solution.
                Make 1 N NaOH solution.
1.      Keep 10 ml NaOH solution in conical flax.
2.      Than add P.I in conical flax.
3.      Borate will be fill by HCl solution.
4.      Than titration will be start.
5.      After complete the titration read the borate HCL solution volume. Exa : 10.9 ml.

Formula : S1V1=S2V2                      (HCl=NaOH)
                   S2=9.81/10 = 0.98N  (The actual normality of Na2CO3 solution is 0.90N ).

Formula for Normality:
37% HCL     – Special gravity 1litter     = 1.19 kg (Grade of sample 37)
98%H2SO4   – Special gravity 1 litter    = 1.84 kg (Grade of sample 98)
(N.B:37% means 37% HCL gas present on this solution same for  98%H2SO4  )

Find out normality for LAB HCL / H2SO4 :

Make necessary normality solution(For Liquid) :

S1V1=S2V2                                                        Here: S1 = Normality of lad HCL/H2SO4
V1 = S2V2 / S1                                                            S2 = Necessary normality of HCL/H2SO4
                                                                                    V1 = Necessary amount of  HCL/H2SO4
                                                                                    V2 = Amount/Volume of Solution. 

Such as :                                                                    
100 ml 1 N HCl Solution                                          
V1 = 1*100/12 =8.33 ml (HCl)

For solid :

Such as:
 100 ml 1 N solution (NaOH) = 40/1000 * 100   (gm) = 4 mg (NaOH)
100 ml  1 N Solution (KMnO4)  = 158/1000 * 100 (mg) =15.8 gm(KMnO4)  / 1.58 mg (KMnO4) for making 0.1 N solution

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